
Address: Vanhakartanontie 183, 19700 Sysmä
Location: Sysmä
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Manors & Bed and Breakfast | Atmospheric banquet hall of manor can be rented for wedding parties, birthday parties or for family parties. Along with banquet hall is located Pub Vanha-Alasin. Nowadays main building is private home, but by manortours visitors can get a peek from insides of the manor. Small log cottage with half star facilities is meant for accommodation.

Contact information

Tourist Information

Tel. +358 (0)207 281 760

Tourist information Service Point

Aleksanterinkatu 18, Lahti
(Shopping Centre Trio)
Tel. +358 (0)207 281 760

Tourist Information

Tel. +358 (0)207 281 760

Tourist information Service Point

Aleksanterinkatu 18, Lahti
(Shopping Centre Trio)
Tel. +358 (0)207 281 760
Build: 01/09/2024 19:19:13, Host: CBONLINEBOTS01, DB: o3.cbguide-7683.cbischannel-23849.v1, Controller: Accommodation, Action: showdetails